
Residential electricians read and interpret blueprints, understand and adhere to local, state and national electrical codes while wiring in residences. Electricians work individually or in groups and use textbooks, technical manuals, and codebooks as well as computer skills and websites to incorporate technology in communications related mathematics and science to perform wiring projects.
Employment Opportunities
Residential electricians are part of a licensed occupation. Programs graduates must start as electrician’s helpers or apprentices. A helper or an apprentice must work under a licensed journeyman electrician until the journeyman exam is taken and possess a thorough understanding and demonstrate safety procedures used at work sites.
Career Opportunities:
- Electrical Contractor
- Electrical Engineer
- Electrical Inspector
- Electrical Supplies
- Counterperson
- Electrician’s Helper
- Journeyman Electrician
- Maintenance Electrician
- Master Electrician
- Residential/Commercial/Industrial Electrician
Employment Outlook:
Employment in this field is expected to grow 14% through the year 2024.
The average wage for this career is $20.48 hourly or $42,600 annually.
(Certificate – 1200 Hours)